
From the East to the West - Day 1

The 1st day of our trip to go across the USA
We went through Pennsylvania and Ohio from New Jersey. We are now in Indiana.


At a rest area, we came across a tent of a Christian Motorcyclist Association. They were offering free drinks and snacks for holiday drivers. They said, "We are glad if people have a more delightful trip with these treats." How nice they are.

We had dinner at Cracker Barrel by our hotel. We ordered fried fish with such sides as fried okra, corn meal balls, pinto beans, and collared greens. These sides sound healthy at first, but actually, the fried okra is chopped and fried, so we can tastes just its skin. Corn meal balls are just carb-balls. Pinto beans and spinach were stewed with bacon.
We ordered salad as well, but it was covered with shredded cheese, bacon bits, and lots of big croutons. One of my husbands friends later joked the dish called "salad" in America is actually "a bacon cheese burger." I even felt like eating grass on the way to our hotel.
アメリカの南部の料理を出すチェーンのレストランに行った。できるだけヘルシーにしようと、揚げ物だけど魚を頼んで、サイドディッシュも最大限ヘルシーに、オクラフライ、コーンミールボール、 金時豆、青菜の煮たやつを頼んでみた。でもお皿にのってきたのは、1cmに切り刻まれたほぼ衣の味しかしないオクラ、ただの炭水化物の団子のコーンミールボール(の揚げたやつ)、金時豆も青菜もご丁寧にベーコンと一緒に煮込まれて・・・見事にすべて茶色のお料理だった。


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