
Credit Card

Getting credit cards was unexpectedly difficult although the United States is a credit card society. I didn't know but there is a system called "Credit Score" in America. Having a low credit score means you are socially untrustful. In that case, you might have to pay a double deposit fee when you rent an apartment, or you might have to accept a bad mortgage rate with low credit limit, or in the worst case, you might be rejected from having a new credit card.

The credit score can be improved if you have done your payments through your credit card within the due date over a few years. The bigger the debt, the quicker payment, the better score. Since we are new to this county, we didn't have a credit history, which means we are not good consumers although we are totally clean of debt with savings. We applied for a Korean Air's Signature card(a high-rank card), but they turned down our application and sent us a lower-level card. 

Since I heard that raising our credit score could be improved faster with the credit cards issued by our main bank, we applied for credit cards from it. They kept it on hold for 2 months because I didn't have my social security number and my husband didn't have a job then.  And FINALLY we got them today!! YAY!! It was a long way to get these cards. Now I can make payments through this credit card so that I can store mileage!! Nothing does smoothly in this country but things have slowly started working out.

I made muffins (since we have a nice oven and it is cheaper than buying them).

This is kind of a feast for us. We found this beer for $1 a can. The french fries are home-made. We bought a frozen pizza but it is big and tasty enough.


The most luxurious food this week! a big cup of ice cream for $5. A treat for us to have survived this week.  


1 comment:

  1. クレジットカードの取得おめでとう!
