
Pumpkin Flan

 I didn't make pumpkin flan because it is Halloween, but today's baking happened to be halloweeny. I used butternut squash, which is the most similar to "kabocha," Japanese pumpkin. One butternut squash is only $1.69, so I often buy them and make soup or bake something out of it.



New Series: A moment that I feft this is Americanish

One the way to shop at Trader Joe's, a bunch of black young kids were hanging out. One guy started to rap about me, saying "A girl....YOYO....in a knit hat....ZZ...walking....in glasses...YOYO...with a backpack...in a white jacket...YOYO..." I turned around and smiled back, saying "Thank you!" in my heart! 


Apple Pie

I made an apple pie without sugar or butter.  I put honey and red wine instead. Turned out healthy and tasty.


I had my tooth extracted 2 weeks ago. A root of one tooth under the crown became so bad that the crown came off. I have to have an implant treatment. This is my dental surgeon, Dr. Kang at the First Hill Implant Center. Very listening, so nice and so skillful. He treats 700 patients a year. The dental hygienist happened to be our customer! She says, he is really a good one. Anyway, I went to see him again yesterday after the tooth extraction for the first time in 2 weeks. He said, "Oh, you are a good healer."  I hope my healthy diet brought it.



My parents in law took us to a Japanese restaurant. The owner/chef there is a customer of our shop. He told how much energy he puts in preparing seafood. 

Shiki 四季
Queen Ann, Seattle




This could be the best Japanese restaurant in Seattle. I felt as if I had a new year feast.



Football Game

 I went to see a college football game. This is the stadium of University of Washington, therefore public, but so gigantic. They run their universities to success finantially and academically.

At the opening of the game, they sang the anthem. Everyone stood up, basically took their cap off, sang with their hand on their chest. I don't know what they were paying to the nation: respect, faith or thankfulness?? In Japan, bashing the government or their policies by the media is the everyday thing. Furthermore, it is still very controversial to force people to stand up during the anthem or sing the anthem or not because of the historical issues. I even haven't seen anyone putting their hand on their chest except for the soccer players at international games. I didn't have any idea that the nation is protecting the people. We didn't have to think about that since we can still live in peace. 

Why can people become fanatic about wins and losses of the team which they mentally belongs to. When people fight for some group fanatically, they have to give away some objective thoughts. Since I believe so, and since I don't want to lose myself, I avoid having too much sense of belonging to any groups.   

I took a nap on one shoulder of my husband during the game from boredom, drooling, in spite of loud cheering voices in the stadium.

2 days later, a professional football player stopped by our shop. He was very handsome.


Roasted Chicken

 With a nice big oven, roasting chicken (drums, thist time) is easy and tasty. I can prepare it for any festive occasion.



Pancakes on my days off

Making pancakes on my days off is something I cannot give away. If I could be banned making them, I would go crazy. I used to use Trader Joe's pancake mix, but I make pancakes from scratch. I found a recipe and can no longer go back to TJ's. The secret is using vinegar to have baking soda react to it. Then the pancakes become really fluffy, no taste of vinegar, making as many as 5 pancakes which is enough for 2 of us. I could say I survive everyday to eat this on my days off.

  • 3/4 cup milk 3/4カップの牛乳または豆乳
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar 小さじ2杯の酢
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour 1カップの小麦粉
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar 小さじ2杯の砂糖
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder 小さじ1杯のベーキングパウダー
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 小さじ1/2杯の重曹
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 小さじ1/2杯の塩
  • 1 egg 卵1個
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted or vegetable oil小さじ2杯のサラダ油かバター(私は入れたり入れなかったり)
  • Personally I add ground flax seed  



American Donuts

One of my coworkers brought donuts to the workplace. She even game me another to take home, so I gave it to my husband. This donut is from a famous donuts shop " Top Pot," where President Obama stops by to get some when he comes to Seattle.


It is 3 times bigger than that sold in Japan, but it is not so sweet. My taste has already adjusted to the American standard?

This kind of donuts is called "Boston Cream Pie."  Its stuffed with custard cream. It is definately adding some weight to me. 



Salmon Festival! (@home...)

It is the season of salmon. One of my coworkers said yesterday that she was going to a salmon festival held somewhere (I forgot). When I said this to my husband, he checked it on the Internet and said I should go there alone (he was not off today). How could I enjoy some festival alone eating free samples in the midst of nowhere? Fortunately, the supermarket chain QFC was offering a sale on wild whole silver salmon (Fresh!) for 4.99lb. The whole salmon was $17.05! It is expensive for us, but considering that it is the wild fish and its size, it is awesome!! So, I decided to have a salmon festival at home. I don't have any reasons to celebrate for, but we can have some fun sometimes...could this (excuse) be the reason to hold a salmon festival at home?


The bones and fins
of the whole salmon
Half fillet! big! (the other half frozen)

Buying the whole salmon means we can enjoy its bone and skin fully!! I was going to make soup from the bones but they have such a lot of salmon meat unlike those processed in Japan. Plan changed, I grilled the bone part as well as the fillet part. I will make fish bone soup with only the fin parts.

I grilled the bone part with salt only as we Japanese usually eat fish. However, I paid attention to keeping the meat part moist while making the skin part crunchy. I didn't fail. I turned it over, changing the position in the oven, watching it grilled all the way being cooked. I couldn't fail cooking the salmon.  I was so serious. With my biggest care, it turned out sooo tasty. Yay.


So much salmon meat left
 on the bones! OMG!

I also grilled the fillet part but I made mayo+miso+mustard+soy milk sauce with chopped green onions. It was really light but perfect with salmon. It was quite an euphoric Sunday dinner.


Thank you, salmon and nature!