
Animals found in the park

We took a walk to a park nearby. It is not a park where everything is flat except for a few trees like Japanese ones, but a park which holds even forests in there. So, we can meet...

a squirrel,



Can you tell where it is? どこにいるでしょう!?

a dear,
It is up in the left.
It stays still. They think it is better to be still blending in the environment so that their enemies cannot tell where they are.


and even a Bambi!
It looks like as small as 50cm in size.


An old woman living nearby said, the people living in the area fought over the property (where the park is) against apartment buildings developers 35 years ago. That is why the property is now made into a park where even those animals could survive. It wasn't rare that the people living there bought properties in order to keep the area a calm and beautiful residential area. 

What exist below it is the class-consciousness. For example, this town is exclusively for rich people. That is why they didn't want to allow new people who cannot afford to buy these houses. There seems to be a strong boundary around this town. But it is convincing when I see the houses. They are like castles! Yes, they are different.



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