

We will live in Seattle and gonna move soon.
We have been busy with visiting the city and finding an apartment.
There are not many photos I took there,
since it was not such a relaxing trip.
But I took some photos of what we ate.
So here we go.


Soy hot chocolate, double espresso and a blueberry scone

Bibimbup at an authentic Korean restaurant

Black bean cake at a brewery

Same drinks and a macaroon

Ethiopian dishes: Vegetable plate and lamb chop rice

Harbour view


Segregation in the States

Do you have an idea that the U.S.A is the country where black and white people get along together overcoming their sour history of interracial discord?

You can see lots of black actors/actresses and musicians now on TV and movies. Needless to say, President Obama is also black. You also can see people working together at airports in person. 

Until I came to the States, I had the same idea. Maybe, they are mixed up in their workplace. But their residential areas are segregated by races and classes to an extent.

The town we live in is all white: I am always the only non-white person in supermarkets or in parks. There are other towns where the people you can see are all black. They are hanging there without jobs, around barber shops and restaurants in the midst of the day. The street view is totally different from those in our town. The buildings are old, and there are even many abandoned ones still.   


This town is just 15 minutes away from NY by train. This area could thrive as a super-convenient bed town for those commuting to NY, but it is a ghetto where drug-dealing, robberies, shootings, and knifings happen often. The windows of the houses and restaurants are barred for protection.

I wondered why they wouldn't try to find their ways to lead better lives by pursuing an academic career. When you can achieve a bachelor degree ( The names of colleges or universities don't matter so much in the States), you can get a job to have a safer and more peaceful life. That's how Asians tried to survive in this country. 

According to my husband's beliefs, their schools are not the ideal place for study due to lack of funds. The students often bully achievers when they find them studying hard; teachers are low quality because of the undesireable location and danger; classes are hardly organized; and they are not always encouraged to study by their families or society.

Their stars and role models are often rappers, basketball players, football players, and successful drug dealers. Their professional and intellectual icons such as doctors or lawyers, which could encourage them to study for better lives, are not focused on enough. Surprisingly, President Obama is sometimes considered "too white" or different from them. It seems that for those who were born in the area, there is no future in the middle, the life facing death and danger in poverty or the "successful" life as a drug dealer.

NY appears different and has a very mixed ethnic balance. However, American society seems very much segregated. This is one snap shot I came across. I have lived in the States only for 3 weeks. So please don't take my opinion for the solid idea about the modern American society. However, what I saw was true.


1st Aniversary - (A)

June 14th was our 1st aniversary-(A). (A) means there is the other aniversary (B). (A) is the date when we got legally married, (B) is the date when we had a wedding party with lots of our beloved family and friends.

We haven't found jobs yet so we decided to cereblate our 1st aniversary-(A) in a small scale, with breakfast meals for lunch.

I ordered a small stack of pancakes with blueberries. It was very good but I shouldn't eat everyday.



Indian Experience in the States

My husband's parents took us to an Indian district, where everything is Indian: foods are Indian, cloths are Indian and people are Indian.


Attention: this pic wasn't taken in Bombay.


raw turmeric

The menu was in the English alphabet, but it was not in Enlgish. Pooris, Pathada, Khandvi, Patudi, Pyaz Pokora  a lot of mumbo jumbo is written on the Indian restaurant menu. NO English explanation or pictures AT ALL. You even have to ask which dish is spinach curry or chick pea one, and the waiters' English had such a strong accent that we could understand only 10-20%... Found another town where I can hardly survive, and again I am in the States.



Animals found in the park

We took a walk to a park nearby. It is not a park where everything is flat except for a few trees like Japanese ones, but a park which holds even forests in there. So, we can meet...

a squirrel,



Can you tell where it is? どこにいるでしょう!?

a dear,
It is up in the left.
It stays still. They think it is better to be still blending in the environment so that their enemies cannot tell where they are.


and even a Bambi!
It looks like as small as 50cm in size.


An old woman living nearby said, the people living in the area fought over the property (where the park is) against apartment buildings developers 35 years ago. That is why the property is now made into a park where even those animals could survive. It wasn't rare that the people living there bought properties in order to keep the area a calm and beautiful residential area. 

What exist below it is the class-consciousness. For example, this town is exclusively for rich people. That is why they didn't want to allow new people who cannot afford to buy these houses. There seems to be a strong boundary around this town. But it is convincing when I see the houses. They are like castles! Yes, they are different.




American Wedding

We left home to attend a wedding of my mom's cousin at 1:15p.m last Sunday. The wedding was held from 2:30p.m. to 9:00p.m.

New Jersery is called the garden state. I don't know whether this is why or not, our area is full of green, very beautiful.

We drove on a highway,


and got to the church.

It was a modern church. Its architechtual design was not in a cross.



The ceremony was for 1 hour or so.

After this, we headed for the party site, a hotel, which is 20mins away from the church.


Before the party, the guests enjoy themselves with drinks and hors d'oeuvre, chatting forever with their relatives.

The banquet doesn't start directly after the wedding ceremony.




Fake smile at war: 実は踊る踊らないで喧嘩中・・・

The banquet is basically to dance.
The couple is around 60, so the selection of the songs by an old DJ was also retrospective. 
My husband and I were at war over the issue whether we wanted to dance or not.

The people at our table worried about us, but we made up soon after. Sorry! All of them welcomed me, a new Asian to the family.
