
Valentine's Flowers

Craig bought a dozen of roses just because it was Valentine's day. I said, "It is so stereotypical..." but they are, not to say, beautiful.


He bought another bouquet with all kinds of flowers. I undid it and arranged it into several glasses.



Chrysanthemums in Japanese style: its basic form consists of 3 parts: the sky, the human and the earth, that is, a little universe in short. Always asymmetry. The space made from it makes the flowers' existence distinctive and makes them all the more beautiful for it.
(The eucalyptus in the back shouldn't be there violating the space where nothing should be but I made it a little fun)

Arranged the light green chrysanthemums like it flows, and gerberas are put to be along to it.


Without knowing how to combine this with the other flowers, I put this alone into a glass. Unexpectedly the thin leaves turned into simple elegant green stream gleam.    


Arranged like one having been picked in a forest and taken to home. 


Cut chrysanthemums are not to be tossed yet. These little flowers are still cute in a little glass.


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