
Easter feast

Since both of my Taiwanese mon and I are leaving here (hers is just a short trip to the US) before the weekend, we had a Easter feast today.

I apologize in advance that today's content doesn't have such a strong impact as yesterday's...  Sorry, nothing gross.

She was making rice noodles. Here's the recipe....

Soak dried shitake mushrooms in hot water. Cut them when they get soft.
Cut other vegetables too.

Boil water. Add some vegetable oil. Put rice noodles in (should be "made in Taiwan"). Be sure not to over cook it till it gets soft.

Take them out onto a dish and cut them in pieces.

Put vegetable oil and soy sauce in the pan.

Mix the sauce with the rice noodles.

After stir fry the vegetables one by one,
mix everything on the plate.

Yay, Easter feast!
The turkey is soo tasty.
She just seasoned with soy sauce and salt and roasted only for 2 and half hours.  Amazingly tasty. I will make it someday.

Chinese people have soup at the end of the meal. They say it is for better digestion.

After we ate, she cut meat off the bones and made soup with them.

They never waste food and know how to make tasty and nutritious soup.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Easter a bit....not the religion part, but bunnies, jelly beans, and food.... ;-p
