

Today's lesson:

"Everyone is not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. They just have to learn something from them to be better."
"S/he regrets what s/he has done and reflects him/herself all the more because you forgive."

My taiwanese mom said this after she talked about this story:
One kid in her neighborhood stole a key from one of her daughters and kept stealing money sneaking into her house. They had been wondering where their money or things had gone... It was not until he was caught by the police for another case that they finally figured out what had been happening in their house...  

After the kid was released, he came to say sorry, being accompanied by his mother. She was so kind and generous to say that first line. But when she asked how much in total he had stolen from them, the kid said, "It would be $8,000-10,000...but how didn't you know that??"

They are too nice...

I believe:
"People will learn something from their mistakes only if they are already good."

Today's dinner: eggplant with hot garlic sauce, deeply-fried spareribs, stir-fried beans

To make the sparerib karaage, she washes the ribs with running water for 10 mins to get rid of smell.

Trout bone soup with corn, carrot, and tofu. To make fish soup, you don't have to boil fish bones first. You can just add fish bones into hot water to make soup.  

Of course tasty.

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