
Making soup!

Remember we bought a soup pack at the Chinese supermarket? 

We are going to cook it!

I didn't know that what I thought meat was mostly bones.

Boil the bones and the meat first, but you have to throw way the water once they are cooked. 

Boil water again. You must not put meat into cold water. You wait for the water to boil.
Stomach of pork, bean curd skin, ginkgo nuts, wolf berries, dates are in.
Cook it for 1 hour. 

Making egg sauce for pack-choi cabbage.
My Taiwanese mom says pak-choi is a new-year food. Usually vegetables are not to be cooked well in Chinese dishes. But you have to cook pak-choi till it gets soft.

Pak-choi with egg sauce.
The soup was tasty, slightly sweet for the wolf berries and dates.
It is fun to learn how to cook Chinese dishes.
It is different from Japanese ones. They add oil into boiling water to cook vegetables, and usually they cook them only 1min or so to leave it crunchy. Making soup is also different. My Taiwanese mom always have a variety of Chinese spices. When she saw what kind of Chinese medicine I am taking, she said she can make soup using the spice for me. Cool! 

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