
A "successful" survivor for Japanese girls

Since I have a lot of time, I surf on the Internet everyday.

I just wanted to know some useful info/possible problems before moving into the States. 

I happened to find a blog by a Japanese woman who describes herself as a winner since she "could" marry to an American doctor. She came to the States and went to a language school over 30 without any careers. She registered herself on an online matching service and met a doctor after having met dozens of guys. In the blog, she described how happy she was when she finally got a message from a doctor for the first time, how hard she tried to make him crazy about her, how much her husband loves her now as a result, and how successful she is now living in Hawaii. 

Good that she didn't get involved in any crimes.

I admire her, so strong to survive, but I was just shocked: she doesn't show any embarrassment or hesitation to talk about the ambition she had. She proudly talks how she chose who to meet by their professions and properties in the States. Her blog is Top 9 in the category of International marriage in a Japanese blog site. There seem some bunch of Japanese girls left their comments, saying something like they want to marry "any rich foreign guy" like her.

In their mind, those who "could" marry to foreign men are winners, and those who "could" marry to "rich" foreign men are the best winners of the winners.

When I got married to my husband, my students said, "I wanna have an international marriage too!" "How did you attract an American guy so as to make him marry you?"

Their mindset is wrong...

"There is no hierarchy among humans." 
One 19 year old Thai friend said this when I compared my little sister with her, who was around the same age as my sister. She was sent by the Thai government to study political science in Canada in order to become a high-officer in the future.

Although I believe that there are some people who this saying shouldn't be applied to, but I really want Japanese girls/my students to understand that saying and do away with their misbelief about race.

"Looking up to people by race hurt them as badly as looking down on people by their race."
- Pan :-P

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that some Japanese female bloggers push such ideas and are so popular.....You must fight the power! ;-p

    They sound immensely shallow AND Racist.
