
Neighborhood Park

There is an elementary school across the street by our apartment, which means, according to my dad in law, that this is really a safe neighborhood. In America, all the perverts and pedophiles who have committed sexual crimes in the past are put under surveillance by the police and they are prohibited from living near schools.

Good Idea! Japan has to take in this system since sexual perverts are sexual perverts because they are sick, unable to stop themselves from offending children!! 



The school has its field but it is more like a park for the community nearby. We can enter to play or come and go across it anytime. Not only that, but it is more likely for puppies since it is pesticide-free. We love dogs so we often come out to this park to watch puppies play like puppy perverts. Puppy perverts are okay to come in.

Fun talk to herself

So this park should be free from perverts, but it is still open to "crazy"? people. There is a teen-age girl walking around in the park, talking to herself loud and screaming out loud which is as if she was on the phone. It is okay to have her (Maybe). No harm to anyone (for now) . 


あっ!また写りこんでるっShe is in the pic again!


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