
Ballard Area (Farmers' market, salmon and beer)

All different kinds of tomatoes
Both of my husband and I were off today. We made the small last journey with our car, Camero, which we are going to get rid of at the end of this month. We went to the area called Ballard to check its farmers' market.

 Most of the things were organic (and expensive). We bought beets($2 for a bunch), swiss chards($2 for a bunch) and cilantro($2 for a bunch) and apples (3 for $5). There were a lot of food samples, and we really liked smoked salmon! It was super moist and tasty. We will buy it for the Christmas/New Year time for our treat. We cannot buy it without some reasons to celebarate.

We visited a river which has a canal lock. To control the water level, they let ships go through like this.





There, we could see salmon running up through a salmon ladder. We have to feel grateful for eating their lives, which survived through a lots of hardships for years. In Japan, a piece of salmon is mostly always in a bento box but it is often the case that it is thrown away without being eaten since salmon is not so expensive and people don't appreciate it. However, meeting actual farmers who grew up vegetables and watching actual salmons struggling to survive for procreation made me think about my perspective. How much do I appreciate eating food three times a day? Personally I believe they should not throw away salmon head or skin. We should savor everything in order to appreciate that it has been given to us to eat.




Same salmon, transforming into a red one at the end of their journey. Their face means how hard their journey is and how hard they live for the sake of procreation.


For farewell to our Camero, we went to a bar. I had apple cider and single hop beer. We will miss you, Camero… It is always hard to say good-bye even to a car. He is old but can still run!

My husband made beet soup!! Yum!



Next day’s pee was pink!



Quiche and Roast Chicken

I added cottage cheese.

Using a pie crust I froze the other day, I made a quiche! Used soy milk. Light and tasty.

I made roast chicken as well. I bought the whole chicken fryer, disected it, marinated it with soy sauce, salt, sake and vegitable oil over night, and roasted it for 30 mins. I learned how to make roast chicken from my Taiwanese mom. The chicken meat was really moist and tender.


Poverty is the mother of creativity. 貧乏は工夫の母。not by Edison


An Amazing Apple Pie and Double Chocholate Muffins

I finally succeeded in making an pie!! This time, I made an apple pie. The crust isn't chewy at all. It is just right. I used vegetable oil. Of course I didn't knead. Oh my god, I made it! I didn't add sugar to the apple filling, but it is sweet enough.


I made double choco muffins too. Their ingredients are so healthy, but they are soo delicious. Since I am always checking baking sites so I found this recipe by chance.
No oil, only one egg for 12 muffins. This is really an amazingly creative recipe. Give it a try!  http://allrecipes.com/recipe/irresistible-double-chocolate-muffins/detail.aspx 




  • 1 cup whole wheat flour 全粒粉1カップ
  • 3/4 cup ground flax seed フラックスシード 3/4カップ
  • 1/2 cup wheat germ 小麦胚芽(ないので普通の小麦粉で置き換え)1/2カップ
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 重曹小さじ1
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder ベーキングパウダー小さじ1+1/2
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder ココア1/2カップ
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon シナモン小さじ1
  • 1/2 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips チョコチップ1/2カップ
  • 1 cup low-fat buttermilk バターミルク(ないので豆乳で置き換え)1カップ subted by soymilk 
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin puree かぼちゃピューレ(たまたまあったんだよ)3/4カップ 
  • 1 cup brown sugar 砂糖(半分でも十分甘い)1/2カップ
  • 1 egg 卵1個
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (そんな贅沢品は我が家にはない)not added


American Driver's License

I got my driver's license today!!

Taking an exam was really stressful. In fact, I failed once. I passed the paper test at the first trial, which was great, but I failed a driving test. I felt miserable on that day. I wanted to go tight on the budget but I had to pay unnecessary as much as $20 all because I failed. We were planning to cancel our monthly parking which is as much as $35 by getting rid of our car. The plan had not been accomplished all because I failed. We went back home after I failed, being totally miserable, cancelled all the things we had planned, opened up a beer can and got drunk. "We have no luck..." We were in despair. However, after a while, I realized "Oh wait, it is JUST a driver's test. It is only money, as little as $55. I didn't lose my life. I still have a job. I can make that money." I realized I had lost myself for nothing. This time, I didn't overexpect I could pass this time. I was right, the examiner was the toughest woman. Her English had an strong accent. 

At the begging of the test, I had to do what she directed, for example, turning on the right light, the left right, doing hand signals and so on. Suddenly she shouted, "The gas pedal!!" 
I was "?????"
She kept shouting "The gas!"
I pointed at the fuel meter "You mean this??"
She was completely pissed.
She keeps strange questions such as "Registration!!"
I was "??????"
She shouts again, "Registration!!!" (I don'nt know what to do for

She was trying to find the registration sticker of the car which was on the front glass of the car unlike those in Washington state.

When she got into the car, she hit herself on a corner of the mirror. She cursed our car, saying "Without my glasses, I was almost having my eyes injured.I don't like this car. Look at the seat in the rear.OMG." I thought "It is you who hit yourself on the edge." but I said, "I am sorry for this car, I hate this car, too. Are you okay?" I don't have pride.

She kept yelling at me on the test. Her directed a course which was way longer than the one I took last time. Understanding what she said was fundamentally difficult.

After I finished the test, she yelled at me for 5 minutes saying how horrible I was. I thought I completely failed....She calculated the points I got, then it was 81!! (80 is the pass point) I couldn't believe but I passed!! She said, "It is soo dangerous. I don't recommend you to drive."

Hey, you won't believe me, but I am a gold driver in Japan!!

Temporary Card!! Yay!



Stressed After Destressing Too Much

I am off today, but not my husband. I am excited on days off thinking what I can do today. As for this sunday, I have been considering making a cheese cake. After I made one, I found myself completely free, still 11a.m., having done the laundry and the cleaning, alone in the house. So, I made an apple lemon cake. Too much at a time? Yes, it is.


Making a Pumpkin Pie, Again!

I admit the pumpkin pie which I made the other day was a failure. It looks like poop, doesn't it? I couldn't bring it to my collegues since I assumed they would be confused when they tried it. So, I made it again. My aunt Jo introduced me some recipe sites. I referred to it a little, and I made this↓


Not bad!? The filling was creamy and just right with its spice. Although I have to admit the crust was hard like wood. I didn't know I should not knead it, I did...I am from the Udon country!! We almost needed a saw to cut the crust. Today's leaning: "Don't knead the dough when you make pies." 


My hormone balance seems to have restored since I now take chinese medicine "Tokishakuyakusan" regularly. I have got used to my work, become more friendly with my colleagues, and now I enjoy talking to customers although one out of 200 of them is really poisonous. I feel good today so I made a punpkin pie. I put nutmeg in it, but it has not only a scent but it is bitter! I used a lot without knowing it. It is a little spicey, but let's call it "healthy." 



Office = Clinic

I saw a gynaecologist today. My husband called the place where a doctor is "a office." I insisted it is called "a clinic" in English. I couldn't understand why my husband put it that way until I saw what it was actually like. The doctor was not in a clinic or hospital. She was in an "office"-like room in a big building. The doctor is a gynaecologist but she doesn't perform ultrasound exams, which I have to be referred to to have it done after making another reservation on another day. In Japan, no reservation is needed and everything should be done at one place by one doctor mostly. It is inconvenient that every examination is to be handled by each specialist, so that we need to make an appointment every time and of course we have to pay for them every time.You have to think about your insurance and wait to see a doctor for days here.
