
American Driver's License

I got my driver's license today!!

Taking an exam was really stressful. In fact, I failed once. I passed the paper test at the first trial, which was great, but I failed a driving test. I felt miserable on that day. I wanted to go tight on the budget but I had to pay unnecessary as much as $20 all because I failed. We were planning to cancel our monthly parking which is as much as $35 by getting rid of our car. The plan had not been accomplished all because I failed. We went back home after I failed, being totally miserable, cancelled all the things we had planned, opened up a beer can and got drunk. "We have no luck..." We were in despair. However, after a while, I realized "Oh wait, it is JUST a driver's test. It is only money, as little as $55. I didn't lose my life. I still have a job. I can make that money." I realized I had lost myself for nothing. This time, I didn't overexpect I could pass this time. I was right, the examiner was the toughest woman. Her English had an strong accent. 

At the begging of the test, I had to do what she directed, for example, turning on the right light, the left right, doing hand signals and so on. Suddenly she shouted, "The gas pedal!!" 
I was "?????"
She kept shouting "The gas!"
I pointed at the fuel meter "You mean this??"
She was completely pissed.
She keeps strange questions such as "Registration!!"
I was "??????"
She shouts again, "Registration!!!" (I don'nt know what to do for

She was trying to find the registration sticker of the car which was on the front glass of the car unlike those in Washington state.

When she got into the car, she hit herself on a corner of the mirror. She cursed our car, saying "Without my glasses, I was almost having my eyes injured.I don't like this car. Look at the seat in the rear.OMG." I thought "It is you who hit yourself on the edge." but I said, "I am sorry for this car, I hate this car, too. Are you okay?" I don't have pride.

She kept yelling at me on the test. Her directed a course which was way longer than the one I took last time. Understanding what she said was fundamentally difficult.

After I finished the test, she yelled at me for 5 minutes saying how horrible I was. I thought I completely failed....She calculated the points I got, then it was 81!! (80 is the pass point) I couldn't believe but I passed!! She said, "It is soo dangerous. I don't recommend you to drive."

Hey, you won't believe me, but I am a gold driver in Japan!!

Temporary Card!! Yay!


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