
Thanksgiving Feast

9a.m.:Watching Macy's parade on TV eating breakfast

We had wood fired bagels, bacon and eggs, and cream cheese and smoked salmon for breakfast.

12p.m.: Nuts and berry cream cheese and rye bread chips as an appetizer

昼/晩ごはんができるまでのつなぎのアペタイザー :ナッツとベリー入りのクリームチーズとライ麦チップス
2p.m.: Feast! Salad with cranberries and walnuts, mashed potatoes, stuffed mushrooms, sauerkraut and turkey sausages, roasted vegetables, and roasted chicken with gravy sauce. I prepared the chicken. Craig made the rest of it.


Happy Thanksgiving!:
This is the day to overeat, appreciating everything.


5p.m.: Dessert! Pumpkin pie, Canolis, German Spicy Cockies, Jewish Coin Chocolate, Chocolate, Dried Cranberries and Apple Compote.                                        パンプキンパイ(作った)、イタリアのクリームコルネ(買った)、ドイツのスパイスクッキー(買った。甘すぎ。)、ユダヤのコインチョコレート(もちろん買った)、普通のチョコレート(もちろん買った)、クランベリーとりんごのワイン煮(ホットワインを作った残り)
I didn't know what to make for American holidays, but Craig did the shopping and prepared foods all the more for it. Thank you!

This was the first time that I cerebrated a holiday with a minimum unit of family, between Craig and I, being apart from my family in Japan and his family in NJ. I appreciated having Craig beside me, who is always supporting me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and Craig! We had turkey cutlets (slices of breast meat), sautéed in butter and covered with a cranberry-onion-balsamic vinegar sauce. Not too bad for us and very tasty. It rained all day yesterday but today is a beautiful sunny day. I hope if you and Craig are at work that there will be lots of customers and you will enjoy "Black Friday" in the stores. - "aunt" Jo
