
Udon (Homemade)!

I finally made udon with wheat and tapioka flour. With adding tapioka flour, it was easier to handle udon and tastier than I thought. I made this for Craig, who had thrown up and had had diahreea last night, ate a lot that I am worried a bit...




Valentine's Flowers

Craig bought a dozen of roses just because it was Valentine's day. I said, "It is so stereotypical..." but they are, not to say, beautiful.


He bought another bouquet with all kinds of flowers. I undid it and arranged it into several glasses.



Chrysanthemums in Japanese style: its basic form consists of 3 parts: the sky, the human and the earth, that is, a little universe in short. Always asymmetry. The space made from it makes the flowers' existence distinctive and makes them all the more beautiful for it.
(The eucalyptus in the back shouldn't be there violating the space where nothing should be but I made it a little fun)

Arranged the light green chrysanthemums like it flows, and gerberas are put to be along to it.


Without knowing how to combine this with the other flowers, I put this alone into a glass. Unexpectedly the thin leaves turned into simple elegant green stream gleam.    


Arranged like one having been picked in a forest and taken to home. 


Cut chrysanthemums are not to be tossed yet. These little flowers are still cute in a little glass.



Pinapple Coconut Pancakes

We quit taking in cane sugar. Cane sugar is too high on the Glucemix Index (90ish) so it seems my body no longer tolarates it. My blood sugar level spikes up too high if I eat  high GI food. One day I ate half a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese then I became faint and groggy like a brain stroke!  In order to replace sugar, we found coconut sugar (GI is as low as 33!!) at Iherb for about $3.4/lb. This pancakes are made with coconut sugar, coconut oil and coconut flakes and pinapple!



SUNNY!! ...after millions of days

Today was perfect.

7:00 Dental appointment
The second deep cleaning session for 2 hours: They affirmed I don't need any re-filling so I just had to pay only $120!! (The original estimation was $420(!!). The dental hygienist was sooo nice (and cute) and she did a great job. I even passed out while she cleaned my roots.

9:30 Medical appointment at gynecologist
My ovaries seem like no problem...relieved. Ultrasound and blood tests are the next step.

10:30 The pike place market
Bought a macaroon for $1 and the lady at the bakery gave one more for free! (Did we look too poor to buy one for each??) Anyway very happy, lucky and grateful. Found a Latin grocery store and found mate tea at a really reasonable price.

11:00 Lunch at Il Corvo
Had homemade pasta($9 each). Just perfect. One is spaghetti with garlic and Parmesan. The other was lazanietta with tender pork and tomato sauce. The texture reminds me of sanuki udon.

11:45 Chocolate Box
Bought interesting (blue cheesy, hot chili etc...) but SUPER expensive chocolate truffles (1 for $2.5!!) and had double espresso. I said "we can't afford!!" then Craig used Dad's card, saying "they must feel happy that I use their card to buy chocolate." (Dad and Mom, really?)

12:10 Bartell Drugs
Found awesome deal! All the hair accessories are 50% off! We bought scissors for hair cut for $5, two combs for $3.5 and a hair dryer for $13. We saved $16!

12:30 Cupcake Royal
Bought their special "death cake" ($3) and a salty caramel cupcake ($3.75) for the first time.

13:00 Home
Hair cut of Craig's. Took almost 40 mins to finish.

13:40 Cupcake Royal time
Ate the cupcake and the death cake. It was tasty but not so amazing. Too expensive for a stupid cupcake. The death choco cake was tasty.



14:30 Tang San Tofu
Still bright and sunny outside, so decided to go to buy spicy lemongrass tofu ($2.5). Really a great deal! This is gonna be tomorrow's dinner.

15:30 Central Co-op
Explored the neighborhood health-natural shop. Found interesting items, such as coconut milk(not coconut juice), pasta made of spelt, all kinds of fun chocolates!

16:30 Home
The spring is coming! Dogwood is blooming.

We need the sun or we will go crazy!


19:00 Dinner

"Staying" like a puppy,
staring at chicken namban
 Chestnut brown rice, seaweed miso soup, celery salad and ... chicken Nam ban!! 

Perfect Happy Sunny Day!!!  

If you marinate meat with mayo, you don't need eggs to deeply fry and even it makes the meat tender due to its acidity.


Coconut Oil (Super!)

I fell in love with coconut oil. Let me talk about coconut oil today although I might sound too enthusiastic. I feel so grateful that I could meet this oil every time I use it. I really appreciate it many times.

I am even more concerned about healthy life than before. (Eating fruit as the first thing in the morning is one diet to take in enzyme effectively.) It is because this is America where all sorts of foods are aveailabe and also because I gained weight by 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)...

Since I started working, I didn't know, but it seems I had too much snacks and sodium. I gained the weight within a month before I knew it. I used to be able to lose weight easily within several days by going on a brief diet even if it happens, but this time I couldn't... I couldn't...I coudn't!!.....(Why?!)

So I joined a fitness club last November and kept going 3-5 times a week. I did slow-training and cardio for 3 months. (One TV program said slow training is better than doing it fast in its effect, and cardio after work-out is better than doing the way around.)
Now my thighs have got toned and I can wear the skinny jeans that I used wear before. I scaled myself then the I have lost 2kg(4lb)! I could lose weight for the first time by physical exercise.


For these 3 months, I have been searching for info to lose weight in a healthy way. Then one day, I encountered a blog where coconut oil was strongly recommended. The more I looked into it, the more I realized this is the healthiest food that I should take advantage of. Also, I realized it was super tasty. 

Here the benefits of coconut oil:

1. It contains lauric acid (as breast milk does) which the human body converts into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria .

2. 90% of it is saturated fatty acids so won't get oxidized at high heat.

3. The saturated fatty acids are mostly medium chain triglycerides, which are supposed to assimilate well and don't affect cholesterol level. I don't know much but they say they help burn the fat in your body.

4. It easily get heated so it makes the food crunchy and the food cooked in the oil doesn't get watery.

5. Extra virgin coconut oil smells sweet so it make the pancakes heavenly tasty.

6. It is not so expensive despite these great benefits. ($6-7/ 16 fl.oz)


There are even more numerous benefits ...please check these sites if you want for more details. Oh they say this is good as skin cream.
English http://www.coconutoil.com/

So this is really an amazing food especially for me who believe taking oxidized food is the last thing you should do. The more you take, the better it is for health (Off course over taking is not good...) What is impressive is that the pancakes made with this oil is so tasty that I appreciate that I am alive and eating it.

According to the radio program I heard on the way to work, vegetable oils such as canola and sunflower etc. are highly processed and need adding chemical agents so it is not good for health. Olive oil is of course very good, rich in vitamins, when it comes to its easy process of production (simply pressing and squeezing) but it is still weak at high heat. 

Some brands' coconut oil is not very coconutty in its aroma, so it is good for all types of cooking. Howver in order to take its benefits fully, I would choose unrefined extra virgin coconut oil.

When I said to Craig, "Which do you want to eat, pancakes or (something)?" His answer is always pancakes. (One day he chose pancakes over sushi-rolls...) I want people in the world to know about coconut oil and its benefits! It is super tasty and doesn't affect the weight even if it is used a lot. I can't believe this kind of oil exists in the world!!




I am becoming Otaku more on health.

If you are interested, online health food shopping is available at "iHerb". The shipping fee is really as cheap as domestic ones although it is shipped internationally. (With this coupon code ASU831, $5 is off on the first purchase.) 