
Barefoot reflexology paths & Russian experience in Seoul

In Korea, they are so health conscious that they have this kind of barefoot reflexology path in parks. I heard there are 24 parks which have reflexology paths. It doesn't hurt if you are healthy, it does if you are not. I was able to walk the whole path this time although I couldn't walk even 1 meter several years ago. When you have done it, you feel your feets are loose.



There are lots of parks in Seoul. You can easily get access to nature.


Many signs are in Russian and Korean.
Lots of Russian, Uzbek or Kazak people live in this part of Seoul.
This is the town for those people.


Their menu

Russian comes first before Korean on the menu.

Tomato salad with dill
Borscht and manti

Inside the restaurant

Korean mandu is almost same as Russian manti. This mandu was 3000won+240yen.
Two kinds of Gyoza, 8 pieces. Really a good deal.


Health drinks found in Conbini. I tried the middle drink which was sooo bitter. I don't know what this was made of...not jinsen or burdock root...maybe some Chinese medicine. I didn't try the garlic drink. Sounds scary. コンビニで見つけた健康ドリンク。真ん中のは、朝鮮人参でもごぼうでもない漢方。コンビニで売っているものとは思えないくらい苦かった。にんにくがメインに押し出されている右のドリンクは怖くて試していない。

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