
Visiting my hometown

I visited my hometown where I had lived until 18.
This could be the last visit for me to see my father and my grandfather before I leave this country. This made me look back my childhood.

My father is living in this house alone.

The left one is a storage, the middle is the old house (one one lives now), and the right one is where my father lives. It is also where my room was. 

My parents bought me lots of books. I want to give my child(ren)
such an environment.

I used to play outside every day. I hanged around my grandparents who were often in the field. These field banks were the playground for me. I caught insects, picked up flowers, walking along them to call them for meals. There used to be a lot of insects and birds in my childhood but I didn’t see many when I visited there yesterday. My father said, one stat says the number of sparrows is now one tenth compared to it 10 years ago. It would be partly because they have encased most of the banks of the paddy fields in concrete in my hometown a few years ago.  This one is unchanged, but most of the others are concreted. The less the natural bank where grass glow becomes, the less insects survive, and the less birds we can see now.
It looks peaceful, but it is not. Maybe, using insecticide and herbicide caused the decrease too.

It is a shameful long story but the family of my father's side live apart physically and emotionally. It is so sad that they hate each other although they are the immediate family.

I don’t want to be involved in such a stupid entanglement. Since my big brother, my little sister and I see their sad relationship, we get along together. We know what is important for life.

I was soo happy that I could meet my grandfather for the first time in...I don't know...8 months? (This is also a long story...) He is the nicest person I have ever known despite his life so full of ups and downs. Maybe I need to visit him again before I go to record his life... 

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