
Confucius said, "Be a friend to those superior to you"

I talked over coffee with my Chinese friend today. Chatting with her is always learning like I do with my Taiwanese mother. Since I am leaving my country permanently, she tried to give me advice as a person who have experienced the same situation. 

1. Live in a good neighborhood/area for your future kids
The environment is really important for kids to be raised up. Needless to say, it is to secure safety, but it is also for the future of the kids. It is sad but people still tend to judge you where you are from. Don't decide where to live not only with the rent or the convenience but also the quality of the neighborhood.

2. Encourage your kids to meet their grandparents
Little kids love their grandparents. They can learn a lot from them, and also will recognize that they are the offspring of their family which has been passed through generations. They can acknowledge their roots being with their grandparents. Their respect for their grandparents will also leads to having a pride in their own family and themselves.

3. Work outside and try to get connections to people
Don't try to get into whatever groups just because you are a stranger in society. Choose who to hang out with. Don't join any religious group (since I told her that I am interested in a Buddhist community to learn Buddhism and Chinese). It is a matter of philosophy, strictly speaking, a matter of realization of life and the world. It is a personal thing. Ideology of groups might ruin your rational thoughts before you know it.

Okay, good to hear and know...

4 Tips to seduce men
Please don't misunderstand, I didn't ask! She taught me how to. There is a reason why she started talking about that...I can't say here..it is a long story...Anyway, she learned this from her friend with powerful sexy-pheromone air who is always popular among men, never lack in temporary/permanent(which does'nt matter for her) boyfriends. She taught me for fun. Here is the tips:

1) Wear swinging-type earrings
2) Sit slightly diagonally
3) Put on high-heel shoes
4) Put on sexy dresses with plunging necklines
5) Don't wear a marriage ring
6) Put on a little cologne
7) See men as men
8) Say "Thank you" with a smile when men praised your hair/dress. Don't deny it.
9) Talk to men online to stimulate your pheromone!

I don't fit into none of these but No.5...I just don't have my marriage ring :-P 

Mrs. Wang, you are a friend superior to me! That's why I like you!

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