I didn't know that there is such a gigantic supermarket in the surburbs of Toronto.
99% of the customers are Asian. Every product has the label in Chinese and everything is cheap.
I have to remind you that I am not in Japan.
We had lunch at a food-court next to two old ladies. Somehow they spoke to my Taiwanese mother in English. I wondered why. My Taiwanese mom said they are Cantonese so she didn't understand what they were talking about.
Toronto has such a big supermarket, which implies how big the Chinese polulation is in there. But it is not the No.1 city in terms of the Asian population. Toronto is the city for the old generation. Some don't speak English at all. Younger generations tend to move/immigrate into Vancouver. So Vancouver is the most Asian city in Canada. The main office of the supermarket chain is in BC.
At the food-court, I ordered veggitable bums, but they ran out of them. They said something "Salt" (that is what I heard) are steamed. So I ordered, then it was a shrimp bum. What was the hell of "salt"! No one understands it!! I cannot eat shrimp!! I belong to the minority in the supermarket like I travel to other Asian countries. Again, this happened in Toronto.
Chinese people has such a high ability to survive anywhere by making a Chinese community with strong bonds to the blood. It is always amazing, but I have never imagined that their power is as strong as building this gigantic supermarket where I cannot survive.
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